Our Product Range
We are one of the leading engineering consultants with a facility to design, manufacture and supply of Heat & Mass Transfer Equipment, Process, Chemical, Pulp and Paper and Power Plant Equipment as per ASME, ASM, API, DIN, BS, IS, HEI, IBR, TEMA, NFPA & ISO codes of practice and standards. We take pride in announcing that we have manufactured and supplied more than 1000 equipment in 4 continents and these are functioning effectively. We have a strong list of more than 300 clients and more than 50 product ranges to our credits.
We have a strong list of more than 300 clients and more than 45 product ranges to our credits.
Our engineering and manufacturing organization is ably supported by our associated companies. Equipment is designed, manufactured and supplied to high quality standards and engineering practice. We have a separate Quality control manual and all our product are inspected all through the manufacturing to the completion stage by the external inspecting authorities appointed by our respective clients. We do all kind of fabrication jobs in special steels like duplex, super duplex, hasteloy, Inconel, monel, titanium like heat exhcangers, pressure vessels, dish ends, forgings, tube sheets, spools, pipe spools etc.
Manufacturing Facilities :
Profile Cutting - Pug Cutting
Welding Machines ARC, TIG, MIG - Monorail
Grinding M/c - Bending
Sandering M/c - Welding
Plate Bending / Rolling M/c - Fitment |
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For proper functioning of any deaerator choosing the right Design based on dissolved oxygen and feedwater temperature at the outlet is very important.
Deaerator is used to remove dissolved gases from Boiler feed water to enable production of high quality of steam for power generation and process requirement. We have designed, manufactured and supplied as per ASME, HEI, and IS code of practice, more than 245 Deaerators from 6tph to 595tph and feed water temperature at the outlet of Deaerator ranging from 105 degree C to 182 degree C to all Boiler manufactures and also to the Power industries in India and Abroad.
Special Features of our Dearators
The Deaerator is vertical spray cum tray with counter flow of steam and water & with horizontal feed water storage tank.
In order to accomplish high degree of efficient deaeration, water is sprayed through various spray nozzles arranged below the water header.
Trays are arranged in triangular fashion to increase the resident time for fine deareation. This arrangement will cut down the amount of phosphate additive and eliminate the need for sulphate or Hydrazine additives. This will also reduce the amount of blow down and also reduce the cost of chemical treatment.
For initial start – up / heating up of water, Sparger type arrangement is provided in the feed Water storage tank. This arrangement will also prevent hammering effect when the deaerator is actually charged with steam.
At the deaerator storage tank outlet nozzle, a sample point is provided to measure dissolved oxygen content.
The pump suction/ outlet nozzle of the deaerator storage tank is extend up to the perforated inlet header running along the length of the storage tank as shown in the drawing. Due to this arrangement no vortex breaker is required. Hence less pressure drop.
LP Dosing line with nozzles at definite intervals have been provided inside the deaerator storage tank.
In our design no separate vent condenser is required. The first row of trays are designed to act as vent condenser.
The deaerator is designed to take care of all working conditions. The turn-down is 10 %.
The only place for flashing steam to go is upwards to the heater. For this to happen safely, the equalizers the balancing pipes between tank and heaters must be adequately sized.
The vents actually have a dual purpose. Not only do they provide a convenient exit for oxygen lanten steam, they also permit the steam in the spray chamber to approach as close to atmospheric pressure as possible. The reason is that the lower the partial pressure, the more readily the sprayed water gives up the dissolved gases it contains. |

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A heat exchanger is a piece of equipment built for efficient heat transfer from one medium to another. The media may be separated by a solid wall to prevent mixing or they may be in direct contact.[1] They are widely used in space heating, refrigeration, air conditioning, power plants, chemical plants, petrochemical plants, petroleum refineries, natural gas processing, and sewage treatment. The classic example of a heat exchanger is found in an internal combustion engine in which a circulating fluid known as engine coolant flows through radiator coils and air flows past the coils, which cools the coolant and heats the incoming air.
There are various types of Heat Exchangers such as :
Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger | Furnace Oil Heater | Ammonia Chiller | Diesel Generator Heat Exchanger | Turbine Oil Cooler | Waste Heat Recovery Boiler | Air preheater | Tubular Air Preheater | Economiser | Sample Cooler
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Pressure vessels are designed as per ASME, TEMA, IBR, IS, and API codes of practice manufactured and supplied up to 200kg/sqcm. Pressure and temperature up to 500 degree C.
- Air receiver
- Gas storage bullets
- Knockout drums
- Flash Vessels
- Blowdown Tank
- Re- Boiler
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Storage Tanks and Bullets
Storage tanks and Bullets as per API 650, ASME and NFPA code of practice, IS 803, IS 10987 and also as per explosives norms of India have been designed, manufactured and supplied to store any type of Liquid, Chemicals, Petroleum Products, Air & Gas.
Types of Tanks
- Above the ground Tanks to store HSD, HFO & LDO, LSHS, and other petroleum products, Acids, Chemicals.
- Vertical Tanks
- Horizontal Tanks
- Under ground Horizontal Tanks to store HSD, HFO & LDO, LSHS, and other petroleum products, Acids, Chemicals.
- Tyre Mounted Mobile Tanks.
Gas Storage
Bullets- Horizontal to store LPG, Natural Gas, Nitrogen and Hydro carbon are designed, manufactured and supplied as per relevant code of practice.
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Self supported steel chimneys to handle hot air, hot flue gases from various furnace and heat recovery units are designed to cater wind load, earth quake (EQ) load and supplied to various industries as per the prevalent code of practice up to the height of 93meters (288ft) and the maximum shaft diameter 2750mm. Self Supported Stainless steel (SS) Chimney 30 meters for 3X 2000kva and 1X1500kva DG sets has been designed and supplied by us. We have designed, manufactured and supplied 350 chimneys to companies in India and Abroad.
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The expanded acoustic absorption silencer comprises of two main components, the diffuser forming perforated extension to the exhaust pipe surrounded by various concentric perforated shells, and an acoustically lined casing.
The various perforated shells divide the discharge flow into a multi tube of small jets which together with attenuating the transmitted noise, also modifies the noise regenerated at the atmospheric outlet. The acoustically lined casings further attenuate the noise present within the silencer.
The silencer is provided with sealing arrangement at the inlet to allow for the thermal expansion of the exhaust pipe. The silencer is provided with 2nos drain with plug should be removed after installation and the drain should be left open at a safer area.
The silencer described here is for application where steam is discharged to atmosphere such as safety valves, start-up vent discharges, They are designed for outdoor duty in order to reduce annoying neighborhood noise and supplied for
- Drum Safety Valve Exhaust,
- Super Heater Safety Valve Exhaust,
- Warm-up and Start-up Vent Valve Silencer,
- Electromatic Safety Valve Exhaust (EMSV).

Send Enquiry To isolate, control and to regulate air hot flue gas Dampers are designed, manufactured and supplied to various industries. The range of Dampers are
- Single Louvre Damper
- Multi Louvre Dampers
- Butterfly Dampers
- 2 way Dampers
- 3 way Dampers
- Guillotine Dampers
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Duct and Metallic Expansion Bellows
Duct and Expansion Bellows are designed, Manufactured and supplied for high temperature upto 3000mm of water Column to handle Air and Hot gases. The expansion bellows have skirt plates to prevent accumulation of dust in the bellow.
Send Enquiry Screw Conveyers are designed, manufactured and supplied even to handle abrasive powders having 200 mesh size. The flights are made from stainless steel having higher hardness. These are supplied to handle fly ash and pharma products and capacity ranging from 150 kg /hr to 3800 kg/hr
Send Enquiry Send Enquiry We design, manufacture and supply the following type of Driers.
- Tray Drier
- Vacuum Drier/ Rotary Drier
- Blenders
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Various reactor stainless steel and jacketed vessel like fermentor, crystallizer with sparges and agitators having turbine blades are designed for numerous applications and supplied to pharmaceutical and chemical industries. The agitators/ impellers are of flat blade turbine, disk flat blade turbine and pitched blade turbine.
Various Reactors are 1) Anaerotric Reactor 2) Agitator Blade.
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Industrial Fans and Blowers
High efficiency industrial fan forced draft, induced draft fans are designed manufactured and supplied to various boiler and process industries.
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Pollution Control Equipment
Dust collectors, cyclone separators and bag filters are designed and manufactured to give the requisite outlet emissions as prescribed by the Pollution control Board.
- Bag Filter
- Dust Collector
- Cyclone Separator
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Cone Strainers having extended application for Gas filtering to the relevant standard has been successfully developed in house and supplied to various organization.
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Fuel Firing Equipment and Flare Stack
Fuel Firing equipment to fire natural gas, LPG, Biogas, Blast Furnace gas and Carbon Monoxide, to fire LDO, HSD, HFO and LSHS either alone or in combination in a furnace with high combustion efficiency and low NOX emission.
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Dish ends are part of a pressure vessel which are used to close off the ends of the vessel shell. Rolf Engg. Solutions Inc. manufactures the dish ends for its own use as well as for external customers. Due to the growing demand for dish ends, the company has invested in high-end machines and currently manufactures dish ends for the global market as well.
In the field of dished heads for pressure vessels and tanks, We have the most complete size range capability (in terms of diameter thickness) in the country.
Rolf capabilities, with a wide variety of materials specifications, is unmatched. Reliable Fabricator offers head materials specifications such as carbon steel low alloy steel, stainless steel, duplex stainless steel and clad steel.
Rolf can also supply head plates for ASME “U”-stamp pressure vessels with certified data reports under Form U2-A of the ASME Code
Types of Dish Ends are : Flat Dished Ends | Deep Dished Ends | Industrial Dish Ends | Pressure Vessel Dish Ends | Hemispherical Dished Ends | Single Piece Dished Ends

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Tube-sheets in Carbon Steel, Stainless steels or alloy steels, non ferrous alloy: cladded or Integral. Both the cladding (weld overlay) and the Machining are made in our shops. The maximum working diameter is 1500 mm. GBM makes tube-sheets with standard machining with or without grooves in holes or special preparation, beveling or facing. Fascia a Sinistra Inserire le Foto di Macro di saldature tubo-piastra accoppiandole al relativo sketch (non è necessaria la legenda) Legenda: “Macro on Tube to tube-sheet weld”
Tubesheets are plates or forgings drilled to provide holes through which tubes are inserted. Tubes are appropriately secured to the tubesheet so that the fluid on the shell side is prevented from mixing with the fluid on the tube side. Holes are drilled in the tubesheet normally in either of two patterns, triangular or square.
The distance between the centers of the tube hole is called the tube pitch; normally the tube pitch is 1.25 times the outside diameter of the tubes. Other tube pitches are frequently used to reduce the shell side pressure drop and to control the velocity of the shell side fluid as it flows across the tube bundle. Triangular pitch is most often applied because of higher heat transfer and compactness it provides. Square pitch facilitates mechanical cleaning of the outside of the tubes.
Two tubesheets are required except for U-tube bundles. The tubes are inserted through the holes in the tubesheets and are held firmly in place either by welding or by mechanical or hydraulic expansion. A rolled joint is the common term for a tube-to-tube sheet joint resulting from a mechanical expansion of the tube against the tubesheet. This joint is most often achieved using roller expanders; hence the term rolled joint. Less frequently, tubes are expanded by hydraulic processes to affect a mechanical bond. Tubes can also be welded to the front or inboard face of the tubesheet. Strength welding designates that the mechanical strength of the joint is provided primarily by the welding procedure and the tubes are only lightly expanded against the tubesheet to eliminate the crevice that would otherwise exist. Seal welding designate that the mechanical strength of the joint is provided primarily by the tube expansion with the tubes welded to the tubesheet for better leak protection. The cost of seal-welded joints is commonly justified by increased reliability, reduced maintenance costs, and fewer process leaks. Seal-welded joints are required when clad tubesheets are used, when tubes with wall thickness less than 16 BWG (0.065 inch) are used, and for some metals that cannot be adequately expanded to achieve an acceptable mechanical bond (titanium and Alloy 2205 for instance)

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Baffles serve three functions: 1) support the tube; 2) maintain the tube spacing; and 3) direct the flow of fluid in the desired pattern through the shell side.
A segment, called the baffle cut, is cut away to permit the fluid to flow parallel to the tube axis as it flows from one baffle space to another. Segmental cuts with the height of the segment approximately 25 percent of the shell diameter are normally the optimum. Baffle cuts larger or smaller than the optimum typically result in poorly distributed shell side flow with large eddies, dead zones behind the baffles and pressure drops higher than expected.
The spacing between segmental baffles is called the baffle pitch. The baffle pitch and the baffle cut determine the cross flow velocity and hence the rate of heat transfer and the pressure drop. The baffle pitch and baffle cut are selected during the heat exchanger design to yield the highest fluid velocity and heat transfer rate while respecting the allowable pressure drop.
The orientation of the baffle cut is important for heat exchanger installed horizontally. When the shell side heat transfer is sensible heating or cooling with no phase change, the baffle cut should be horizontal. This causes the fluid to follow an up-and-down path and prevents stratification with warmer fluid at the top of the shell and cooler fluid at the bottom of the shell. For shell side condensation, the baffle cut for segmental baffles is vertical to allow the condensate to flow towards the outlet without significant liquid holdup by the baffle. For shell side boiling, the baffle cut may be either vertical or horizontal depending on the service.
Other types of baffles are sometimes used such as: double segmental, triple segmental, helical baffle, EM baffle and ROD baffle. Most of these types of baffles are designed to provide fluid flow paths other than cross flow. These baffle types are typically used for unusual design conditions. Longitudinal baffles are sometimes provided to divide the shell creating multiple passes on the shell side. This type of heat exchangers is sometimes useful in heat recovery applications when several shell side passes allow to achieve a severe temperature cross.
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Figure C. Heads contain pass ribs that direct flow on the tube-side fluid for one or more passes across the tube bundle. |
In a 'single-segmental’ configuration, baffles move fluid or gas across the full tube count. When high velocity gases are present, this configuration would result in excessive pressure loss thus calling fourth a ‘double-segmental’ layout. In a ‘double-segmental’ arrangement, structural effectiveness is retained, yet allowing gas to flow in a straighter overall direction. While this configuration takes full advantage of the full available tube surface, a reduction in heat transfer performance should be expected.

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