Our Product Range
4130 Pipes and Pipe Fittings |
41xx steel is a family of SAE steel grades, as specified by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). Alloying elements include chromium and molybdenum, and as a result these materials are often informally referred to as chromoly steel (common variant stylings include chrome-moly, CrMo, CRMO, CR-MOLY, and similar). They have an excellent strength to weight ratio and are considerably stronger and harder than standard 1020 steel, but are not easily welded (need pre and post weld thermal treatment to avoid cold cracking).
While these grades of steel do contain chromium, it is not in great enough quantities to provide the corrosion resistance found in stainless steel.
Examples of applications for 4130, 4140 and 4145 include structural tubing, bicycle frames, tubes for transportation of pressurized gases, firearm parts, clutch and flywheel components, and roll cages. 4150 stands out as being one of the steels accepted for use in M16 rifle and M4 carbine barrels by the United States military. These steels are also used in aircraft parts and therefore 41xx grade structural tubing is sometimes referred to as "aircraft tubing". |
4130 Pipes and Pipe Fittings
This low alloy steel containing nominally 0.3% carbon, 1% chromium and 0.2% molybdenum is used widely in oil patch applications. It is similar to 4140 which has a higher carbon level giving 4130 improved weldability in comparison to 4140, though this is achieved at the expense of through thickness strength. The hardenability limitations of this grade (depth to which it will harden / obtain the specified mechanical properties after heat treatment) must always be taken into account when designing and selecting equipment.
Sizes :
Supplementary Requirement :
NACE MR0175 / MR0103 ISO 3183 / NACE TM0284
YS - MIN 85,000, UTS - 1,10,000 WITHSTANDING 15,000 PRESSURE.
Annealed, Normalized, Stress Relieved, Quenched & Tempered.
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API Flanges
We offer a large range of API 6A and ANSI forged swivel flanges, Blind flanges, slip-on flanges and weld-neck flanges in 4130 carbon steel, to suit 2” to 6” nominal bore XXS pipe with pressure rating below. The API 6A specification requires a rigorous and unique quality system including stringent dimensional and NDT control. The application of an API monogram is that you, the client will be guaranteed of total compliance with the API specifications.
API Studed Blocks
Flanged studded crosses and tees are available from 2” through to 6” with pressure ratings of 5,000 psi and 10,000 psi in AISI 4130 material.
Hub & Clump Connector
The connector is a compact mechanical joint consisting of four basic elements:- hubs, seal ring, clamps and bolting. During assembly the hubs are pulled together under the twin wedge action of the clamp segments, the sealing action is improved due to internal pressure. Each connector requires only four bolts, which includes a 100% safety/redundancy factor. The ability of the clamp connector to withstand severe bending without leakage or periodic re-tightening, has been recognised for many years in the Offshore Industry. All materials are AISI 4130- carbon steel and meet the requirements of NACE with the following pressure ratings. The particular advantage of the connector is its ability to be disconnected quickly and avoid ‘hot work’ on site

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A full range of Hammer lug unions are available upon request from threaded Fig 200 unions through to Butt Weld Fig 2202 unions and are briefly explained as follows:
Threaded Unions
We offer various sizes of API Line Pipe Threaded Unions. The Threads are gauged with calibrated working API gauges, which are inspected regularly with API master gauges.
Butt Weld Unions
Hammer Lug Unions are available in all Fig. numbers as Butt Weld Unions as an alternative to the standard API threaded end. We mostly specialise in the highpressure unions described below. When ordering please state the required pipe schedule.
Hammer Lug Unions are available in Hydrogen Sulphide trim (Sour Gas H2S) with either Threaded or Butt weld ends. Sour Gas Unions are manufactured in accordance with NACE Standard MR-01-75. For ease of identification Sour Gas Unions are painted green.
Figure 1002
Recommended Service for the 1002 are Cementing, testing, and choke-and-kill lines with 10,000 psi (690bar) cold working pressure on 4" sizes and 7,500 psi (517 bar) cold working pressures on 5" and 6" sizes. The main features of these unions are that they have a replaceable lip type primary seal, which protects the secondary metal to metal seal, and minimises the flow turbulence. Both Butt-weld and Threaded connections are available. The Unions are also available for sour gas service: 7,500 psi (517 bar) cold working pressure.
Figure 1502
Recommended Service for the 1502 are Cementing, testing, and choke-and-kill lines with 15,000 psi (1034bar) cold working pressure. The main features of these unions are that they have a replaceable lip type primary seal, that protects the secondary metal to metal seal, and minimises the flow turbulence. Both Butt-weld and Threaded connections are available. The Unions are also available for sour gas service: 10,000 psi (690 bar) cold working pressure, butt-weld configurations only.
Figure 2002
Recommended Service for the 2002 are Cementing, testing, and choke-and-kill lines with 20,000 psi (1380bar) cold working pressure. The main features of these unions are that they have a replaceable lip type primary seal, that protects the secondary metal to metal seal, and minimises the flow turbulence, Butt-weld connections only.

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Full Flow High Pressure Manifold Fittings are manufactured from wrought iron steel. Crosses and Tees are closed die forges to ensure they have a correct grain flow, high integrity and uniform shape. Both 45° and 90° elbows are produced from hollow or tubular bars, hot formed on purpose made bending machines or forged in closed dies. Full ranges of fittings from 2" to 6" are available with standard pressure ratings of 5,000 psi and 10,000 psi.
Long Radius Elbows & Fittings
Elbows have been forged and not welded to ensure that the end user obtains maximum results from the equipment. The following features of Oilquip fittings enable them to be categorised in the highest standard of high-pressure equipment.
- Eliminates post weld heat treatment requirements that restrict the material's potential strength.
- Have smooth round uninterrupted bores to minimise pressure drop and turbulence.
- Inherently stronger.
- End fittings machined integrally.
- Do not require costly weld inspection.
- Fully pressure tested and certified.
- Full material tractability.
High Pressure Manifold Fittings, Wrought Steel Fittings

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High Pressure Couplings and Hoses

We offer a complete range of couplings including high pressure quick disconnect self healing couplings, in numerous materials of stainless steel 316L and alloy 400. Hose couplings are available ex-stock both one and two piece forms, in all threads. In addition any other couplings can be manufactured to your requirement upon request .
We provide a range of fire rated control hoses with male sub & wing nut selfsealing couplings. These are also avaiable with SAE or swivel flange connections. Quality Assurance is in accordance with DIN to the standard 50049.3.1.B. We can offer proof tests of up to 30,000 PSI, and burst test of up to 60,000 PSI.
All rotary and vibrator hoses are manufactured to API Spec.7.K.
The range of hoses covers the complete Oil Industry:
- Oil exploration
- Oil production
- Oil transportation
- Oil refinery
- Oil field constructio
Hoses with internal stainless steel stripwound tubes for the transportation of oil, oil-gas, gas, water, suitable for vacuum service can be designed for combined functions which can be used in the following areas of the Offshore theatre of operations.
Flowlines (acc. To API RP 17 - B bonded type) - rises - production test lines - export lines - jumper hoses, spool pieces and tie in hoses - Hydraulic pile driving hoses in long length - burner hoses - well test lines - subsea crude oil hoses.
Choke & Kill Hoses
We can provide an elastormeric flexible hoseline, which is not prone to the so-called cold flow or creep, which is inevitable with thermoplastic tube materials. The hoseline can be uniformly bent in any direction, thus meaning it can be transported and moved with the greatest of ease.
Apart from the pressure resistant lining, the high strength steel cable reinforcements and cover, there are no other special constructional elements used. The cover can be normal, flame resistant or externally armoured with and interlock stainless steel tube.
Sizes range from 2" to 4" hose ID with working pressures of 5,000 psi and 10,000 psi.

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The through conduit gate valve has been developed to satisfy the need for a high quality, high specification valve which is reliable and reasonably priced. Oilquip gate valves make full use of modern materials and manufacturing techniques. The valve is robust, easy to maintain, conforms to international Design requirements and Quality Assurance programmes.
The gate valve conforms to all aspects stated in the API.6A Standard. Manufacture of the valve takes place in a Plant that is regularly audited by Third Party Auditing Bureaux to ensure the API.Q1 and ISO9001 are fully maintained.
The initial cost of this valve is very competitive, but the longer term saving resulting from robustness and low cost of spares makes it the most affective valve on the market today.
Gate Valves are available in manual or remote operation for use in the following pressure ratings and services:
Pressure & Temperature Ratings
Max Working Pressure |
2,000 PSI |
3,000 PSI |
5,000 PSI |
10,000 PSI |
15,000 PSI |
20,000 PSI |
Test Pressure |
3,000 PSI |
4,500 PSI |
7,500 PSI |
15,000 PSI |
22,500 PSI |
30,000 PSI |
Production Spec Levels |
1, 2, 3 & 4 |
1, 2, 3 & 4 |
1, 2, 3 & 4 |
1, 2, 3 & 4 |
1, 2, 3 & 4 |
1, 2, 3 & 4 |
Product Rating |
1 & 2 |
1 & 2 |
1 & 2 |
1 & 2 |
1 & 2 |
1 & 2 |
API Temperature Rating |
K (-60 Deg C) |
K (-60 Deg C) |
K (-60 Deg C) |
K (-60 Deg C) |
K (-60 Deg C) |
K (-60 Deg C) |
To |
To |
To |
To |
To |
To |
Y (+345 Deg C) |
Y (+345 Deg C) |
Y (+345 Deg C) |
Y (+345 Deg C) |
Y (+345 Deg C) |
Y (+345 Deg C) |
Material Requirements
Material Class |
Body, Bonnet, End and outlet Connections |
Pressure Controlling Parts |
AA - General Service |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel |
BB - General Service |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel |
Stainless Steel |
CC - General Service |
Stainless Steel |
Stainless Steel |
DD - Sour Service** |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel* |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel* |
EE - Sour Service** |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel* |
Stainless Steel* |
FF - Sour Service** |
Stainless Steel* |
Stainless Steel* |
HH - Sour Service** |
Corrosion Resistant Alloys* |
Corrosion Resistant Alloy* |
*In accordance with NACE MR-01-75
**As defined in NACE MR-01-75
Mud Valves
We have a solution for the increasing high-pressure demands placed upon modern drilling mud systems. By introducing a gate valve capable of working at pressures as high as 5,000psi & 7,500 psi. They are purpose made for mud, cement, fracturing and water service.
The body and bonnet of the valves are manufactured from forged steel to increase structural strength. The Oilquip valves are manufactured to conform to API 6A quality levels PSL 1, 2 or 3 and pressure tested to either API 6A or API 6D requirements. Full material tractability is guaranteed.
Valves are available in a variety of sizes from 2"-6" and can also be supplied with flange, hub, hammer unions, threaded or butt-weld ends. Sour service valves conform to the requirements of NACE MR-01-75.
API 5000PSI Mud Gate Valves
Mud Gate Valves are available for use in the following pressure ratings and services:
Pressure & Temperature Ratings
Max Working Pressure |
2,000 PSI |
3,000 PSI |
5,000 PSI |
Test Pressure |
3,000 PSI |
4,500 PSI |
7,500 PSI |
API Temperature Rating |
P (-29 Deg C) |
P (-29 Deg C) |
P (-29 Deg C) |
To |
To |
To |
U (+121 Deg C) |
U (+121 Deg C) |
U (+121 Deg C) |
Material Requirements
Material Class |
Body, Bonnet, End and outlet Connections |
Pressure Controlling Parts |
AA - General Service |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel |
BB - General Service |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel |
Stainless Steel |
DD - Sour Service** |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel* |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel* |
EE - Sour Service** |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel* |
Stainless Steel* |
*In accordance with NACE MR-01-75
**As defined in NACE MR-01-75
Mud Gate Valves are available for use in the following pressure ratings and services
API 7500PSI Mud Gate Valves
Mud Gate Valves are available for use in the following pressure ratings and services:
Pressure & Temperature Ratings
Max Working Pressure |
7,500 PSI (Rubber Seated) |
7,500 PSI (Metal Seated) |
Test Pressure |
11,250 PSI |
11,250 PSI |
API Temperature Rating |
P (-29 Deg C) |
K (-60 Deg C) |
To |
To |
U (+121 Deg C) |
Y (+345 Deg C) |
Material Requirements
Material Class |
Body, Bonnet, End and outlet Connections |
Pressure Controlling Parts |
AA - General Service |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel |
BB - General Service |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel |
Stainless Steel |
DD - Sour Service** |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel* |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel* |
EE - Sour Service** |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel* |
Stainless Steel* |
*In accordance with NACE MR-01-75
**As defined in NACE MR-01-75
API 6A Choke Valves
Choke Valves are available in manual or remote operation for use in the following pressure ratings and services:
Pressure & Temperature Ratings
Max Working Pressure |
2,000 PSI |
3,000 PSI |
5,000 PSI |
10,000 PSI |
15,000 PSI |
20,000 PSI |
Test Pressure |
3,000 PSI |
4,500 PSI |
7,500 PSI |
15,000 PSI |
22,500 PSI |
30,000 PSI |
Production Spec Levels |
1, 2, 3 & 4 |
1, 2, 3 & 4 |
1, 2, 3 & 4 |
1, 2, 3 & 4 |
1, 2, 3 & 4 |
1, 2, 3 & 4 |
Product Rating |
1 & 2 |
1 & 2 |
1 & 2 |
1 & 2 |
1 & 2 |
1 & 2 |
API Temperature Rating |
K (-60 Deg C) |
K (-60 Deg C) |
K (-60 Deg C) |
K (-60 Deg C) |
K (-60 Deg C) |
K (-60 Deg C) |
To |
To |
To |
To |
To |
To |
Y (+345 Deg C) |
Y (+345 Deg C) |
Y (+345 Deg C) |
Y (+345 Deg C) |
Y (+345 Deg C) |
Y (+345 Deg C) |
Material Requirements
Material Class |
Body, Bonnet, End and outlet Connections |
Pressure Controlling Parts |
AA - General Service |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel |
BB - General Service |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel |
Stainless Steel |
CC - General Service |
Stainless Steel |
Stainless Steel |
DD - Sour Service** |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel* |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel* |
EE - Sour Service** |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel* |
Stainless Steel* |
FF - Sour Service** |
Stainless Steel* |
Stainless Steel* |
HH - Sour Service** |
Corrosion Resistant Alloys* |
Corrosion Resistant Alloys* |
*In accordance with NACE MR-01-75
**As defined in NACE MR-01-75
API 6A Plug Valves
Plug Valves are available in either lever, gearbox or remote operation for use in the following pressure ratings and services:
Pressure & Temperature Ratings
Max Working Pressure |
5,000 PSI |
10,000 PSI |
15000 PSI |
Test Pressure |
7,500 PSI |
15,000 PSI |
22,500 PSI |
Production Spec Levels |
1, 2, 3 & 4 |
1, 2, 3 & 4 |
1, 2, 3 & 4 |
API Temperature Rating |
P (-29 Deg C) |
P (-29 Deg C) |
P (-29 Deg C) |
To |
To |
To |
U (+121 Deg C) |
U (+121 Deg C) |
U (+121 Deg C) |
Material Requirements
Material Class |
Body, Bonnet, End and outlet Connections |
Pressure Controlling Parts |
AA - General Service |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel |
BB - General Service |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel |
Stainless Steel |
CC - General Service |
Stainless Steel |
Stainless Steel |
DD - Sour Service** |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel* |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel* |
EE - Sour Service** |
Carbon or Low Alloy Steel* |
Stainless Steel* |
FF - Sour Service** |
Stainless Steel* |
Stainless Steel* |
*In accordance with NACE MR-01-75
**As defined in NACE MR-01-75

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High Pressure Seamless Pipe

To complement our range of products we are leading supplier of high pressure seamless pipe have a full range of specifications for structural tubulars to A519 Gr 4130, API 5L Grade X52, X60 and X65 that are held in stock, in sizes ranging from 2" nominal bore to 6". We can supply cut lengths; long pieces and even bore from forged, machined bar to satisfy your urgent demand.
The high production quality of the pipe means that the following features are guaranteed:
Controlled, uniform metallurgic structure.
Homogeneous and consistent mechanical properties.
Superior dimensional tolerances.
Smoother outer and inner surfaces.
We offer Hot Finished Tubes and in any cross section of any one tube the eccentricity will not exceed 8%.
Pipe will be supplied in 5-7 metre random lengths with butt-weld ends and varnished to avoid oxidation of the steel when in storage. All pipes are fully certified and traceable with heat numbers hard stamped onto each random length.
Certification is at no extra charge and include standards that meet the requirements of NACE MR-01-75 known in Europe as DIN 50049 3.1.b.

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Turnkey Manifold Range
- Drilling Spool/ Spacer Spool
- Double Studded Adapter Spool
- Mud Pump Discharge Manifold
- Choke and Kill Manifolds Assembly
- Cement Manifolds
- StandPipe Manifolds
- Christmas Tree Manifold
- 5 Way Strainer Block and Mud Pump Discharge Manifold
- Triangle Kill Manifold
- Production Manifold
Wecan provide systems designed to customer specifications to ensure reliable delivery of materials as required.
By incorporating components such as Adjustable and Positive Chokes, Hydraulic Drilling Chokes, API Flanges, Hammer Lug Unions, API Studded Crossses and Tees, Adaptors, Spools, Blinds, Crossovers and Fittings, Choke Control Console, High Pressure Manifold Fittings, High Pressure Gate Valves (Manual and Hydraulic Gate Valves), High Pressure Plug Valves, Forged Crosses, Forged Tees, Forged Long Radius Elbows, Pressure Tested Assembly, Individually Pressure Tested Fittings and Gate Valves, Mud Vales, Drop Forged Manifold Fittings, Chokes, High Pressure Choke Valves, High Pressure Check Valves, Hammer Union Forged Tees and Elbows a depending on the application from our own stock availability, Oilquip can control the quality and programming of even very complex systems.
We are keen to work with clients to provide the right solution for individual projects. Where applicable or to meet client requirements and are supplied fully certified by independent third party authorities.
API 16C Specification for Choke & Kill Systems
API RP53 Recommended Practice for Blow Out Prevention Systems for Drilling Wells
NPD/NMD Norwegian Petroleum Directorate / Norwegian Maritime Directorate
API 6A Specification for Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment
NACE MR-01-75 Sulphide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic Materials for Oilfield Equipment
NORSOK Norwegian Offshore Sector

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We Stock and Supply a wide range of Carbon Steel Solid Round Bars for use in the Engineering, Mechanical and Oil & Gas Industries.
We hold a stock of SAE 4130 Solid Bar in the following popular sizes and conditions
As Rolled (Diameter in mm)
75, 90, 100, 110, 115, 120, 130, 140, 150, 170, 200, 220, 280, 300
Other sizes available on request.
Q & T – Min 75 KSI Min Yield (Diameter in mm)
75, 80, 90, 100, 110, 140, 150, 180, 200, 210, 230
Other sizes available on request.
Q&T Bars are available in the following condition;
75KSI Min Yield
100KSI Min Tensile
Impact tested at -46 or -50 Deg C – min 32 Joules with 42 Average
Max 22 HRC - Suitable for NACE MR-01-75
Mechanically Tested in Accordance with ASTM A370
Heat Treatment in Accordance with API 6A Section 5
Product Specification Level (PSL) 3
Q&T can also be carried out in accordance with your own requirements, please contact us for a quote.
If the Material you are looking for is not listed, please contact us, we will be happy to help.
We offer a full in-house cutting, drilling, boring and shot blasting service.

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